Monday, June 29, 2009

Grape Seed Extract Restores Insulin Sensitivity By Byron Richards

A powerful new study shows that grape seed extract turns back gene signals that help insulin receptors work properly, a major discovery for any person concerned with their weight or diabetes. This is similar to findings for resveratrol, another anti-aging compound found in red grapes.
A common problem leading to major health issues is that insulin no longer functions properly in metabolism. It is common that insulin resistance occurs, a situation wherein there is too much of the hormone insulin but it isn't doing anything helpful. This is because hormones latch on to receptors. Think of a hormone as a phone call and a receptor as the person answering. If nobody answers then communication is not going to happen. This is a common problem for many hormones during aging - there is a general issue of resistance.
It is of little value to put insulin into someone whose insulin receptors are not working very well, as all that happens is you make the person fatter even if you lower their blood sugar a little bit. You might think this is a stupid point to mention, but doctors do it to diabetic patients all the time.
This new study shows that grape seed extracts can actually turn back on insulin receptors, restoring more youthful function. This is of immense importance to any person whose fasting blood sugar has risen above 90, in terms of preventing or helping to reserve metabolic problems. Longevity is also linked to healthy blood sugar and insulin function.

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