Herpes is now the most common sexually transmitted disease in the world. In the USA alone there are approximately 40 million people who have the Genital Herpes virus and another 50 million who have the oral herpes virus (cold sores). Each year it is estimated that 1 million new cases are diagnosed worldwide.
The human body is a natural host for many different kinds of Herpes viruses. These cause infections that range from cold sores, genital herpes, shingles and mononucleosis.
Genital Herpes is caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 (HSV-1) and, unlike other STD's; there is no known cure at present. Sufferers are therefore condemned to a lifetime of misery, as the 'outbreaks' keep re-occurring.
Sufferers will tell you that Genital Herpes can totally ruin lives. It affects your self-esteem, your confidence and your relationships, to say nothing of the physical misery an 'outbreak' can cause. They can be painful, uncomfortable and embarrassing.
After a few years most sufferers become desperate to do something about this terrible condition and will often try several of the so called 'miracle cures' advertised on the Internet, yet for most the outbreaks keep returning.
The Herpes Simplex virus is very 'sneaky'. It lies dormant in the nerve cells near your spine, and the moment it notices that your immune defences are down it comes to life and attacks the skin's surface surrounding your genitals.
Once there, the virus forms clusters of painful, fluid filled blisters, which can often remain for two or more weeks. Once you contract Herpes it becomes a permanent condition.
Consequently many experts now agree that the only way to combat this disease is for the body's own immune system to be strong enough to fight the virus and so prevent further outbreaks.
With no outbreak for almost 4 years, I consider that I have succeeded in finding a successful formula to strengthen the immune system, and I can't begin to tell you what a difference this has made to my life.
Vor more information email:freediabetictips@gmail.com
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