Thursday, July 2, 2009

Five Toning Exercises to Die For! By Walter Derksen

Ever thought of exercising? How about exercising with your spouse or partner in life? This could be challenging yes but it could also be very rewarding indeed. Think of all the advantages and positives here. Let your imagination run wild. Just think, you and your spouse doing toning exercises together and doing them anywhere.

We all need to exercise. Being fit allows you to live longer and as we all get older we need to exercise to build muscle as well as gain strength.

I think we all have an idea as to what to do when it comes to exercising our bodies. The problem finding the time to do them. We are all so busy these days and just making time to exercise is a challenge.

We can all do exercises and weight training. This is not just for those big lugs in the gym every day. As we get older we lose muscle mass and so we must compete against that. With exercise you build muscle as well as gain strength and dep down we all want to be the next Mr. Universe.

There are many different and effective exercises for toning a person can do. Here is a list of five that can be done at home, at the office, or anywhere you choose and at any time. They are easy but effective.

1. Bridge Butt Lift - This is really an effective way to tone your buttocks. Lay down on your back with feet flat on the floor and knees bent. Legs are shoulder width apart. Place your hands palms down beside your butt on either side of your body. Push on your feet, and squeeze your glutes and lift your butt off the floor. Hold this position for 15 seconds and slowly come back down to the floor. Relax for 15 seconds and do again. Do exercise five times before moving on to the next exercise.

2. Squats - Squats are great. In fact some say this is the best and most important exercise you can do. Squats work the butt, hamstring and quadriceps muscles. If not sure of the proper form you can use a chair. Stand with feet shoulder width apart and feet firmly planted. Push your butt back like sitting in a chair. Keep your abs tight and your upper body straight. Once you reach chair level stop and hold the position. Hold for two to five seconds and go back to starting position. At the lowest point before standing up again put all your weight on your heels for balance and maximum toning.

3. Reverse Lunges - Lunges are good as they work the quadriceps muscles. If you have knee problems these exercises can be difficult. A reverse lunge still tones the correct muscle but there is less pressure on the knees. Stand with feet together and arms at your sides. Take one leg and step backwards until you are in the lunge position. The front leg should be bent at a 90 degree angle and the back leg should be back far enough to be standing on the ball of your foot. Make sure your back is straight. From this position lower yourself down until the back knee almost touches the floor. Hold for the count of two and return to starting position. Alternate each leg and do sets of five with 30 seconds rest between. Exercise each leg once is one rep.

4. Pushups - Everyone knows this exercise. It is a classic that works all the muscles in the arms as well as the chest and shoulder muscles. This is a great upper body toning exercise. If you are not comfortable or strong enough to do pushups from your toes than you can bend your knees and do it from that position. Lying face down all stretched out with your feet together and back straight your hands are palms down under your shoulders. While breathing in a relaxed manner keeping your entire body straight push your body up extending your arms. At the top hold the position for two seconds and then come slowly down to starting position. Try and do ten pushups. If you cannot do ten then start with a number you can do and over time work your way up. Rest for 30 seconds and do again. Do three sets of ten.

5. Crunches - Your ab muscles are working all day whenever you are doing any kind of movement at all. These along with your lower back muscles are your core muscles and are key to an overall fit body. Lie on the floor on your back. Bend your knees and have your feet flat on the floor. Lace your fingers behind your head with your elbows pointing out to the sides. Squeeze your abdominal muscles and without jerking on your head lift yourself up six inches off the floor. Be sure your head is straight and looking up. Hold position at the top for two seconds and slowly come back to start position. When back at start quickly lift up again for your second lift. After 10 - 15 crunches rest 30 seconds and do again. Start with three sets of 10 and work up.

These five exercise can be done whenever you have time. The best thing about exercise is that it makes you feel better about yourself. Just three workouts a week to start will work to your advantage.

So grab your partner (spouse) and start to exercise and tone up together. You can keep each other company and accountable and even just make it a game and have fun. Do this with a combination of good eating habits and your life will begin to change before your eyes.
For more information

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