Saturday, July 25, 2009
When Should You Have Alcohol Detox? By Jack A. Burton
If you have answered yes to more than three or four of these questions you have no choice but to consider alcoholic detox. You should contact your physician at this stage. You have to tell your physician the truth because they are in a position to be able to give you the best support. You must explain everything about your drinking habits. Please never attempt alcohol detox before your physician has been consulted.
In alcohol detox, what choices do you have? Again you will have to ask yourself a few questions. As you been drinking been going on for a long time? How would you describe your fitness level? What kind of alcohol or you consuming and what is your level of consumption? How old are you? Do you abuse other drugs? Answers to this questions will determine whether you need to attend an alcohol detox center either as an outpatient or inpatient. This is going to tell you about what the possibilities are for detox from alcohol at home. Your health is the only concern here.
Excellent Tips on How to Cure Tinnitus Forever By Pankaj N
How to cure tinnitus is no longer a question nowadays because medical field has highly advanced. Everyday medicines are introduced in the market which is being specially designed for such people. You should know the basic cause of your illness before you start with the treatment. Stress, injury to the ear, overexposure to loud noises and aging are the leading causes of this disease. How to cure tinnitus is decided based upon this factor.
There is no point in taking medications without correcting the environment which leads to formation of the illness. Diet is an important factor when you talk about tinnitus. Avoid the intake of salt as it can lead to accumulation of fluid in your ears and build up pressure difference. Smoking, alcohol and caffeine should not be taken if you are suffering from this illness. All these substances will increase the intensity of this illness.
Try to avoid places where there is excessive production of noise. It is mostly seen that people who live in such environments tend to suffer from this ailment. Shifting your residence to a quiet place will cure your tinnitus forever. How to cure tinnitus guides are available on net from where you can download them and read through to more about this disease.
Tinnitus can be destructive if it is affecting the normal functioning of the individual. It requires medication and proper attention from a registered practitioner. There are many sites present which will help you in knowing about this illness.
Weight Loss and Binge Eating By Gabriel J. Adams
On the other hand those individuals who are trying to stay on a weight loss program will start to binge eat because he or she is hungry and there's no one to be honest with them about the eating habit.
This type of eating disorder can be taken care of and people don't have to use bad things to eat all the time. However that's exactly what experts claim happens to them. But eating isn't the answer. It would be different if you were eating healthy snacks but most of the time these people are eating chips, candy, cupcakes, and so much more. And if all they do is sit on the sofa watching television then there becomes another problem. No exercise. So naturally the food and the calories are going to make you gain weight.
Binge eating isn't good for anyone. Some places for obese individuals even have support groups for binge eaters and knowing what this disorder does. It makes you eat instead of dealing with pressures and problems without food. No body can expect to be on a weight loss program and be a binge eater. It just doesn't work that way.
Symptoms For Genital Warts By Christine Stone-Casey
In the sexually transmitted diseases that transfer from one person to another person, genital infections, especially the warts, are first of its kind. This disease is caused mainly by the development of viral skin infection called human papilloma virus, well known as HPV.
Usually you may notice several symptoms for genital warts, but in some cases patients might not exhibit any signs at all. Indication of this type of warts will be noticeable in the areas of vagina, around the anus, urethra, cervix and vulva. This will mostly affect and infect the penis region in case of men. So, it is advisable to understand all the symptoms for genital warts.
More number of signs and symptoms for genital warts will be visible when the virus gets exposed to the physical parts after sometime. This may take days, weeks or months. The warts are known to grow in the cauliflower floret shapes and mostly they appear in white colour or in the fleshy colour. The growth of warts usually does not create any pain, but it will cause disturbance in the other physical activities like trouble while urinating, pain in the movements of bowel etc.
These genital warts are extremely dangerous because they can spread easily from one person to the other. Some of the symptoms for genital warts that a person may experience are increased injuries and wounds around the skin, genitals and anus, formation of cauliflower-like shapes in the genital regions or anus, wetness or dankness improvement in the region where the warts are developed, itches and scratches on the areas of anus, scrotum or penis in men,
These warts may cause itches and scratches in the female genital areas like the urethra, vagina, anus and cervix, huge vaginal ejections and anomalous loss of blood.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
First Step to Good Health - Pure Water By Kilian Allen
What are the various options of water filtration systems?
Water filtration system is a process whereby germs or chlorine from raw water source are eliminated to make the water fit for consumption. There are a plethora of options available in the market today, with regard to water filtration systems. One of the first options is to go for a total house filtration system. In this process, the entire water flow that is directed to the house gets filtered. Thus filtered water is available for every activity in the house, right from cleaning, cooking, and laundering, to drinking. Another choice could be to go for separate installation of water filters in different units of the house. It is possible to install a purification system where water is treated from the kitchen faucet. As a result of this process one can utilize the filtered water for performing usual kitchen chores like cooking, washing dishes, and obtaining drinking water.
The faucet water filters can be placed on the countertop, or can be mounted on the faucet. The filter can also be installed under the kitchen sink. It is a common tendency to ignore or just neglect the importance of purification of the water that we bathe in. One should realize that water used for bathing should also be made germ free, as some water might get consumed in the process. Having a shower filter system installed is the one stop solution for getting pure water in the bathroom. Water filtration system can also be installed inside a refrigerator to conveniently dispense germ free ice and water. Portable water filters are quite helpful for those who are frequently on the move. It is upon the individual's personal needs and convenience to choose a type of water filtration system.
One needs to, however, exercise caution while choosing the water filtration system, and stick to the one which does not eliminate desired minerals like potassium and calcium, along with the impurities. Today, there are various online, as well as local options of suppliers and manufacturers for water purification and installing systems, and the customer can do a thorough research of these, before making his purchase.
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Knowing How to Help Water Quality and Effective Home Water Purification Has Never Been As Important By Frank Carson
With each passing year the quality of our water both drinking a bathing, deteriorates even further. Just as the quality decreased, the risks to our health increases.
Whether its bacteria, herbicides or any of the other 2,000 toxins estimated to be in our supply the threat is real and ever growing.
The other scary part of this is the fact that this problem is only going to get worse. If there is a plus side to all of this it is the fact that we can protect ourselves and our children by installing a whole house water filtration system.
As with many things in life there are many duds out there, claiming to do all sorts of wondrous tasks but failing miserably.
The key to knowing how to help water quality is knowing which kind of purification system to install. Follow these few basic rules and you will have made a major step towards protecting your family from dangerous water borne toxins.
a. Stay away from reverse osmosis filtering systems. They are not fit to do the job. Ignore all the sales hype. They have been proven not to work actually drop the water of its essential minerals.
b. Choose an active multi-stage carbon filter with ion exchange. These are by far the most effective purification systems on the market.
c. Do not look on it as a temporary solution.
The quality of our water is not going to improve anytime soon. The sooner you start filtering your water effectively the sooner you are removing you and yours from the health threat of all those toxins. Knowing how to help water quality and effective home water purification has never been as important.
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Why Law of Attraction Fails By Alina Frank
Mary asked me to help her with a health issue that she had been trying to clear up on her own with EFT. The emotional core issue was her fear of people in her life leaving or abandoning her. Throughout her life she had experienced loss. First by her very young mother who left Mary to be raised primarily by her grandparents and then later by a series of friends, lovers, and co-workers.
We acknowledged all of these and tapped every memory that had any intensity left. One of the gifts of EFT is the generalization effect which happened here and thus we didn't have to work on as many as I had originally felt needed to be cleared.
During our last session Mary realized that she also had a fear that her current boyfriend would be leaving her soon and we worked on that as well. Two weeks later her boyfriend proposed to her!
The other case involved Susan and her fear of power. A pattern emerged after the first few minutes of our first session where each time Susan had tried to do something to move her forward in her career it would always fail. This started back when she had been a very intuitive and powerful child and members of her family resented her for it. After a while she had no other choice but to make herself smaller and less noticeable so her family could show her approval.
We cleared that as well as a few other memories where in her love relationships she had needed to do the same sort of self-deprecation. Low and behold shortly after our last session she received notice that the book that she had written and that the publishers had put a year long delay on would be going to press very soon.
Call it what you will - Law of Attraction or reticular formulation, we do bring into our lives that which we are focused and emotional about and this is where EFT really works it's magic.
With most of the Law of Attraction material I have seen it seems they want you to "buck up" and switch to something more positive but most people can't bootstrap as quickly as that. EFT has made that part of manifestation work very simple, easy, and quite effective.
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The Computer Is an Enemy to Your Body By Robert A Simmons
Let's go ahead and look a common scenario. You have decided that you need to do some work at the computer. You need to start the computer, but you don't want get out of the chair and squat down. You bend forward and twist down enough to reach the switch on the computer tower. This movement puts the discs in the low back at their weakest and most vulnerable point. Think about the stress on the low back if you do that movement often.
Now you open the document and start typing. Most people look at the keyboard when they are typing. That bends your head and neck forward. This is the opposite direction that your neck curve is designed to be in. Then what I call "the black hole" develops.
After a short time people actually look like they are getting sucked into the computer screen. The shoulders begin to slump and the head moves forward towards the monitor or screen. For every inch that your head moves forward, there is 25 pounds of additional stress placed on the neck and spine.
The stress now increases because you may stay in this position for hours. In addition to this most people who use computers will do this on a regular basis. We also need to add in the motion of the chair. Now that almost all office chairs have wheels, people don't actually get out of the chair when bending and twisting.
The printer is often positioned off to the side, so the user will just rotate the chair to the side and reach. Again this is places the stress on the low back. When going from sitting to standing, the computer user will rotate the chair and step out instead of backing the chair out and standing straight up. Does this scenario sound familiar to you? There are some things that you can do to reduce the stress on your body while using the computer.
First look at your workstation. The monitor should be at eye level and directly in front of the keyboard. Rotate the position of your printer periodically if you can. A great alternative to rolling your chair is to back your chair out from the desk and stand up straight. Just performing this task will eliminate a lot of stress on your body.
Be observant of your elbow and hand position. It's best to use a chair with no armrests. This will actually allow you let your shoulders relax, instead of being push up. A good hand rest for your wrists is a great idea. Just make sure that your forearms a parallel with the floor. It is also important that your thighs be parallel with the floor when adjusting the height of the chair.
Remember to stand up and stretch every 30 minutes or so. Just getting out of the chair and stretching or walking around will allow your body extension time. All computer work is bending forward. This is called flexion. By standing, your are extending your body and releasing tension.
As a Chiropractor in Charlotte, NC I have found that these tips can help you to reduce much of the stress that occurs at work and home. The computer is a great tool, but it can cause damage to your body if not used properly. Following the tips in this article will hopefully help you to enjoy using this particular form of technology much more.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Grants For the Disabled - You Can Get Free Government Money to Help Pay Bills Or Modify Your Home By Ashley Jefferson
Being disabled is difficult enough, but if you pile on the fact that you can't work a normal job, it just adds to the frustration. While disability does help, it still does not take the place of a normal job.
Just because a person has a disability, it doesn't meant that they still don't have things they like or want to do. Unfortunately, without the income of a full time job, it makes many things seem out of reach.
Government grants for disabled can be used for a variety of different thing. They can be used to modify a dwelling so that it is more easily accessible. This can include putting in wheel chair access, railings, ramps and even elevators. They can also be used to help you start a business or just help with the bills.
Grants for disabled are also very easy to apply for as well. The great thing about grants are that you never have to pay them back and you can apply for as many as you want.
There are also no credit checks or bankruptcy inquires that can effect whether you are approved or denied.
With the millions available to people through various programs and grants, there's no reason not to get a piece of what's already being given out.
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Exercising For Diabetes Prevention and Management By Megan Winegar
However, exercising doesn't have to be a huge ordeal. Certainly no one is asking you to lift weights in the Olympics next year, and you should make sure to talk to your doctor or diabetes educator before you start any exercise program to see how it will affect your blood sugar. After you get the scoop though, here are some ideas for good exercises that you can easily use to meet your goals.
You should try to get a well-balanced diet of exercise in your life. Exercise should include some aerobic exercise, some strength training, and some flexibility exercise. (This goes for all adults, not just those with diabetes. It's just good policy.) Here are a few ideas from each category.
* Walking is still a good option for anyone, and it's easy to fit into your schedule. If you live close enough, walk to the store, or to work. If not, then instead of watching an hour of TV to clear your head and relax, watch a half-hour show and then take a brisk half-hour walk (while you listen to a Podcast or your favorite play list, perhaps?)
* Take an Aerobics class - nothing too hard core, but some light aerobics in an environment where you feel motivated to go and to last all the way through.
* Swimming can be both relaxing and very healthy
* Fun stuff like roller blading, ice skating, dancing, or tennis.
* Try treadmills or stationary bikes in winter to prevent your routine from being interrupted just because you don't want to go outside.
Strength Training
* Join a gym and have someone show you how to work various muscles. More muscles burn more calories.
* Try weight training at home with a small set of weights. Its doesn't take much when you just want to tone and build strength.
* Make sure you're stretching when you exercise. This keeps your muscles limber for exercise and also keeps them healthier later on.
Finally, certain things are just good practice for a healthy lifestyle. Park far from the door when you go to the store and walk from the other end of the parking lot. Take the stairs. Do some vigorous house cleaning or yard work. Staying active will make you feel better, physically and mentally.
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How Can You Overcome Your Dyslexia? By Edwards W. Siemens
However the greatest problem with Dyslexics is that their weaknesses and strengths tend to cancel out each other, thus making them look average. If you are a dyslexic then you will want to develop coping strategies which can help you overcome your weaknesses. Typical problems that dyslexics face are:
a. Inability to organize themselves properly.
b. Poor sense of time.
c. Poor sense of direction.
d. Inability to concentrate.
e. Forgets quickly; has problems with short term memory
f. Inability to carry out sequential tasks, this translates into difficulties in doing math and carrying out simple instructions.
g. Is incapable of or has difficulty reading or understanding language.
h. Highly distracted.
i. Poor social life.
Now no two dyslexics will have the same symptoms and neither will a dyslexic have all of them. This is exactly why it is absolutely essential that a person be diagnosed first. You should also know that there are many Learning Disabilities which have symptoms similar to dyslexia and are often confused with it; such as Attention Deficit Disorder, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Dyspraxia etc. Each of these has treatment specific to them which is why you must make sure that you have dyslexia. If you are diagnosed with dyslexia, you will need to approach a trained psychologist for help with your particular case.
Most people afflicted with dyslexia develop coping strategies with psychological intervention and go on to live a happy and fulfilled life. As stated earlier you only need to embrace your strengths while selectively doing away with your weaknesses. As this is accomplished you will realize how unique and invaluable you really are!
Dealing with dyslexia as an adult can be a harrowing experience.You need not go on living in fear of rejection and denial. Dyslexia is a gift which once exploited will alow you to live your life better and more confidently.
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Discover the Best Natural Detox Cleansing Technique By Daniel Woods
I am glad that you too feel this way and take the best care of your body. But have you ever thought of taking care of your body from inside? This is where detox cleansing comes into the picture.
With the increase in pollution, irrespective of where we are located, we do witness contamination all around. The intake of some amount of toxic vapors has become a regular thing. Moreover, even the water is badly contaminated with all sorts of chemicals and drugs.
Some die hard habits like smoking, drinking sugared drinks, eating fast food - all these result into production of toxins in our body. These toxins, if left deposited, can result into various health problems. Headaches, bad breathe, constipation, acne are the common ones. These toxins need to be thrown out from the body. But how?
Detox cleansing is a way to achieve the same. It helps in recharging and rejuvenating your body from within. One of the common ways of achieving this is by following a strict detox diet.
This includes avoiding all foods which generate toxins in our body and eating only fresh vegetables and fruits. This program is difficult because not many of us are comfortable and consistent in following the strict diet plans.
All water fasting is another way to achieve detox cleansing. This program includes doing nothing but drinking water and avoiding completely for some period of time. Since water is an excellent de-toxifier, it is an effective technique but this can lead to tiredness and headaches.
The best and practical approach to detox cleansing is to simply drink ample amount of clean water while keeping your diet unchanged. Our body has a natural process of detoxification which is primarily driven by water. It dilutes and dissolves the toxins and flushes them out from the body. Regular intake of pure water can ensure regular cleaning of the body from inside.
One problem here is that the water coming out from our taps is not suitable for, let alone drinking, even for showering purposes. It is largely contaminated with harmful impurities. Chlorine is one of the common contaminants which have the ability to react with other organic contaminants and produce toxic gases. These toxic gases even if inhaled or absorbed by the body can cause serious health problems.
I do not expect contaminated or impure water to help in any manner other than further producing more toxins within the body.
Pure and clean water is the basic requirement for achieving detox cleansing. After all, for washing out all the toxins from the body, the least that we can do is to ensure that the water being used for this purpose is clean and pure.
The easy solution to ensure regular supply of clean and fresh water is to use a good home water purifier. Shower filters are also recommended which can ensure that the toxic gases are not absorbed by the skin and hair. There are filters which can be installed at the point where water is entering your home. Thus purifying the water available in your entire house.
I recommend drinking clean and pure water as the best way for detox cleansing. Give it a try. I bet you will start noticing the differences within days.
Visit my website today to discover more details you need to know when it comes to choosing water purifiers for your home.or
Basic Knowledge About Cystic Fibrosis By Didier De Coster
When affecting the lungs, cystic fibrosis produces mucus that clogs the breathing tubes in the organ. This clogging serves as an ideal breeding environment for bacteria, which causes serious infections. When affecting the pancreas, the condition prompts the production of sticky mucus that blocks the release of digestive enzymes. This unnecessary and unlikely occurrence leads to fatty stools, nutritional problems, and poor digestion.
The most common symptom is salty tasting skin, which is caused by release of sweat that contains excessive amount of sodium and chloride (which when combined comprises the common table salt). The sufferer also experiences frequent lung infections, mineral imbalance, fatty and greasy stool, shortness of breath, frequent occurrence of chronic cough, and poor growth in children. Male adults could also suffer from a resulting infertility.
If a patient is not subjected to proper tests, cystic fibrosis could be mistaken for any other sickness of the lungs or the digestive system. Different diagnosis procedures could be used to determine presence of the disease, including sweat testing, genetic testing, and newborn screening in infants. Treatment is readily available, but it is surely is a collective or family effort. Aside from the moral and emotional support, doctors are giving them instructions about how they could work together in helping any sufferer/patient of cystic fibrosis especially the type that affects the lungs.
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Coping With Depression - Antidepressants, Serotonin, Exercise, Sleep and Drinking Tea By Daan Theron
Where do we get our information concerning depression treatments from? The usual places are our doctors, therapists, the mass media or the internet. Sometimes it is a combination of all these sources that defines our current view of treatment options. Keep in mind that the mass media is either biased or it is manipulated by interest groups and companies that wants to keep the image of their products and public relations as high as possible. Getting to the heart of the matter or sniffing out the truth is quite difficult in such an environment. Information concerning depression treatments and medications that are less than flattering to doctors or pharmaceutical companies do not get the mainstream exposure it deserves.
Antidepressants help to control or influence the way the brain uses serotonin, the chemical that is very important in regulating your moods. It is given off by brain cells in response to other signals traveling through the brain. This substance is very important for brain signals since it helps the messages to travel from cell to cell. Cells also absorb any unused serotonin. Antidepressants basically interfere with this absorption process which keeps more serotonin between cells. When there is enough serotonin available, you should feel calm and not anxious or depressed.
Medication is not the only option open to you. Other natural treatments for depressive disorder may include B-complex supplements and omega-3 fatty acids. A hyperactive or under active thyroid may also cause depressive moods.
Antidepressant medication can cause dryness in your mouth. This may lead to mouth problems such as tooth cavities and yeast infections. It is important to keep your mouth wet. Try chewing gum or rinsing your mouth regularly.
Exercise is also a good way to stop depression from taking root in your life. People who do no exercise are more likely to develop a mood disorder than people who exercise regularly. Also, keep doing exercises since abruptly quitting an exercise routine for a few weeks may lead you to experience fatigue, irritability and a worsening mood.
It is also important to get enough sleep, but not too much. Persons who suffer from depression may either experience insomnia or hypersomnia. So how many hours of sleep should we get each night? I recently read about a study which concluded that 6 to 7 hours per night is the best. Insomnia is very uncomfortable, but it is better than taking sleeping pills where your health is concerned.
Some research are suggesting that drinking a lot of ordinary black or green tea may be a good thing. Tea contains an amino acid called L-theanine which can positively influence the chemical mixture in the brain to reduce stressful feelings. It may also increase the levels of tryptophan in the brain. Tryptophan is an amino acid and a precursor to serotonin. Serotonin is a chemical that alters the mood in a relaxing way. If you ever needed a reason to drink five cups of tea per day, this is it. Remember that it is usually better to drink it without any milk. It is much more traditional as well, especially when drinking green tea.
This article has touched upon more than one subject concerning depressive disorder, but it may give you a few ideas you can pursue further. It is good to learn about developments and other treatments in the area of coping with depression disorders.
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Sunday, July 19, 2009
Autistic Kids Can Be Helped by Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers By Paul S Fitzgerald
New research in today's BMC Pediatrics may give the care more credibility as care for autism.
The randomized, double-blind controlled study of 62 youngsters revealed that people who received forty hours of treatment over a month were less irritable, more responsive when folk spoke to them, made more eye contact and were more companionable than youngsters who failed to receive it. They were also less delicate to noise (some autistic youngsters experience a sort of sensory overload from loud sounds and background noise).
The most improvement was noted in children older than 5 (the study included youngsters ages 2 to 7) who had milder autism. It is not clear why the treatment helped, asserts study co-author Dan Rossignol, a family surgeon at the Global Kid Development Resource Center in Melbourne, Fla, which treats kids with developmental defects. But the pressure may ease inflammation assumed to prohibit blood flow to regions of autistic youngsters's brains that control speech, or improve its capability to absorb oxygen, he tells "We're not claiming it's a cure," Rossignol asserted, "but if you can improve understanding so a kid does not run in front of a vehicle, or improve sleep, that is a benefit." While the study only treated and tracked the kids for a month, children who receive the same number of sessions outside of study settings regularly remain better for longer, Rossignol announces.
Others improve after eighty sessions, according to Robert Hendren, executive director of the College of California Davis M.I.N.D. Institute, a big autism research center. He adds that some fogeys also buy chambers (licensed by the Food and Drug Administration) and give their children continual "tune-ups" at home, though those treatments have not been studied. While most kids tolerate the treatment well, it could cause claustrophobia, bruising of the eardrums, sinus discomfort and, rarely, fits, Rossignol announces.
A computed one in 150 kids in the U.S. Have autism in what some are calling a pandemic of the disorder, according to the Centers for Illness Control and Prevention (CDC). Hendren, who wasn't involved in the study, claims the study was "well done" but the findings have to be confirmed by others before before hyperbaric oxygen treatment is counseled as an autism treatment. He adds the results will probably be utilised by doctors and folks petitioning insurers to pay for the treatment, which costs roughly $120 to $150 per session and isn't generally covered for autism. He speculates that ten percent of autistic kids are getting the treatment.
"It's going to cost plenty of cash and yet if it is working, it'd be vital to provide youngsters with this sort of treatment," says, Hendren.
"It may help reverse, in principle, some of the method that is causing the autism.".
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Exercise Can Help Relieve Lower Back Pain By Jim O'Neill
You should be doing a three fold program of exercise which includes aerobics, resistance and stretching exercises. Aerobic exercise like walking and bike riding will begin to get your body conditioned properly because it strengthens your heart and lightly works your muscles. Resistance exercise like weight lifting will strengthen the muscles that support your back. Stretching exercises will increase flexibility giving your back a greater range of motion. Your doctor can guide you as to when and how much of each type of exercise you should be getting.
For people with lower back pain, the best aerobic exercises to do are low impact ones like swimming, walking and bike riding. Jogging, dance aerobics and step aerobics all produce repeated impact on your back and on your knee and hip joints as well. In order to get in good condition, start out with 15 minutes of light aerobic work per day, 2-3 times per week, and then gradually build yourself up to 30-40 minutes per day, 4-5 times per week.
You should be working enough to raise your heart rate to be in between 65% to 85% of your maximal heart rate. You determine your maximal heart rate by subtracting your age from 220. Regardless of whether you are walking, bike riding or doing any other aerobic exercise, always maintain good posture. This means sit up strait, stand strait and do not slouch or lean forward. Good posture is essential to any good exercise program.
When it comes to resistance exercising, you always want to concentrate on the abdominal muscles. These muscles play a major part in giving your lower back support and the stronger they are, the more relief for your back. Also important is to do exercises that are designed to specifically strengthen the lower back muscles themselves. You will best benefit from working each muscle group 2-3 times per week. You may want to hire a qualified fitness trainer to help get you on your way by designing a resistance program that is right for you.
Remember that while resistance exercise is great for strengthening the targeted muscles being worked, there should never be any pain involved. Some discomfort should be present in the muscles being worked while performing the exercises for them, but should subside very shortly after completion of the exercise. If there is any pain during the exercises or if discomfort persists for some time after, it is a sign that something is wrong and exercising should be discontinued and your doctor should be consulted immediately.
As far as stretching is concerned, 10-15 minutes of moderate stretching per day is usually enough to get the job done just fine. Here you really want to concentrate on stretching your hamstrings which are the muscles in the back of your upper legs. The looser your hamstring muscles are, the better range of motion your back will have as flexible hamstring muscles do not put the strain on your lower back that tight ones do.
Stretching the lower back muscles is also a must and sitting on the floor with your legs flat on the floor in front of you while you slowly reach for your toes until you can't go any further, hold for 10 seconds, and sit back up is a great exercise to stretch both your hamstrings and your lower back. Repeat this stretch 2-3 times each day.
While there are no miracle cures for lower back pain, you can make living with a lower back condition much easier to deal with by simply incorporating some exercise into your life each day. It is worth the effort in the long run give up 30-40 minutes per day, 4-5 days per week to exercise away your lower back pain.
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Exercise Can Help Relieve Lower Back Pain By Jim O'Neill
You should be doing a three fold program of exercise which includes aerobics, resistance and stretching exercises. Aerobic exercise like walking and bike riding will begin to get your body conditioned properly because it strengthens your heart and lightly works your muscles. Resistance exercise like weight lifting will strengthen the muscles that support your back. Stretching exercises will increase flexibility giving your back a greater range of motion. Your doctor can guide you as to when and how much of each type of exercise you should be getting.
For people with lower back pain, the best aerobic exercises to do are low impact ones like swimming, walking and bike riding. Jogging, dance aerobics and step aerobics all produce repeated impact on your back and on your knee and hip joints as well. In order to get in good condition, start out with 15 minutes of light aerobic work per day, 2-3 times per week, and then gradually build yourself up to 30-40 minutes per day, 4-5 times per week.
You should be working enough to raise your heart rate to be in between 65% to 85% of your maximal heart rate. You determine your maximal heart rate by subtracting your age from 220. Regardless of whether you are walking, bike riding or doing any other aerobic exercise, always maintain good posture. This means sit up strait, stand strait and do not slouch or lean forward. Good posture is essential to any good exercise program.
When it comes to resistance exercising, you always want to concentrate on the abdominal muscles. These muscles play a major part in giving your lower back support and the stronger they are, the more relief for your back. Also important is to do exercises that are designed to specifically strengthen the lower back muscles themselves. You will best benefit from working each muscle group 2-3 times per week. You may want to hire a qualified fitness trainer to help get you on your way by designing a resistance program that is right for you.
Remember that while resistance exercise is great for strengthening the targeted muscles being worked, there should never be any pain involved. Some discomfort should be present in the muscles being worked while performing the exercises for them, but should subside very shortly after completion of the exercise. If there is any pain during the exercises or if discomfort persists for some time after, it is a sign that something is wrong and exercising should be discontinued and your doctor should be consulted immediately.
As far as stretching is concerned, 10-15 minutes of moderate stretching per day is usually enough to get the job done just fine. Here you really want to concentrate on stretching your hamstrings which are the muscles in the back of your upper legs. The looser your hamstring muscles are, the better range of motion your back will have as flexible hamstring muscles do not put the strain on your lower back that tight ones do.
Stretching the lower back muscles is also a must and sitting on the floor with your legs flat on the floor in front of you while you slowly reach for your toes until you can't go any further, hold for 10 seconds, and sit back up is a great exercise to stretch both your hamstrings and your lower back. Repeat this stretch 2-3 times each day.
While there are no miracle cures for lower back pain, you can make living with a lower back condition much easier to deal with by simply incorporating some exercise into your life each day. It is worth the effort in the long run give up 30-40 minutes per day, 4-5 days per week to exercise away your lower back pain.
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Detoxify With a Facial Cleanser to Maximize Your Anti Aging Treatment By Mark Robbins
You may have heard that cleansers are playing increased roles in the overall treatment of wrinkles and other age related symptoms in recent months, and that is certainly the truth. But the more we learn about the level of importance of cleansers, the more we realize just how crucial how therapeutic cleansers are in the total care of your skin. Sure cleansing, gently exfoliating and hydrating your skin is nothing new, but the detoxification of the skin has proven to enhance the production of your wrinkle creams by nearly 64% when used daily.
Why is detoxifying your skin so important you ask? Well it is because toxins clog your pores and inhibit your skin's natural ability to treat itself. By definition, toxins are not something that you want in your body anywhere, but when it comes to the skin, their presence is felt even more. While drinking an excess of water will also help your skin purify itself, it is not nearly as effective as using a therapeutic cleanser.
The presence of toxins counteract the effectiveness of many wrinkle cream ingredients, this renders your wrinkle cream useless. You may have tried a number of wrinkle creams and wondered why you read about the fantastic results, but did not experience any, the answer may have to do with the high toxicity of your skin. If this sounds familiar to you, then you need to go out and purchase a top of the line therapeutic cleanser. These cleansers will use all natural ingredients to provide all of the aspects you are used to from a cleanser, cleaning and removing excess dirt and oils. But they will also include anti inflammatory ingredients, detoxifying ingredients as well as anti oxidant ingredients to protect from further damage.
By using these cleansers twice daily, you skin has all of the nourishment it needs and is free of the harmful toxins that get in the way of your skin receive the treatment it so desperately needs. You will see the luster in your skin restored quite rapidly and the wrinkle reduction will soon follow. Wrinkle creams that you thought did not work will, and god forbid you combine these revolutionary therapeutic cleansers with the most effective wrinkle creams, the results will simply astound you. Fine lines fade within days, deep wrinkles are penetrated and healed and dark circles, and puffiness around the eyes fades effortlessly. It may sound strange to you that the difference between the wrinkle treatment you have been looking for and the one that you have been getting is as simple as facial cleanser, but has proven to be the truth. While there is nothing simple about these therapeutic cleansers, using them and achieving the results you imagine certainly is.
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I Know How to Cure Gout in a Day - Beware of Those Who Make False Claims By Ana Francis
Considering demand for gout cure, it is not surprising that there are many cures and remedies available on the internet. How to judge persons who claim they know how to cure gout. How to choose the right cure? How to differentiate real claims for fake ones? Read ahead to find out more.
The first thing that you should look for is whether the person claiming how to cure gout has a quick acting remedy or not. If the remedy does not provide quick relief, move on to other remedies. Contrary to what you may have been told, it is definitely possible to cure gout quickly.
Secondly, always opt for natural remedies. There is no point in converting your body into a dumping ground for antibiotics in your quest to find out how to cure gout. Natural remedies exist and are very effective in countering this problem. Why opt for artificial remedies?
Thirdly, never ever opt for temporary cures. To know how to cure gout temporarily is one thing. To remove the problem permanently is a totally different matter. Opt for a cure that promises the latter. There is no point in dealing with relapses after relapses when permanent cures can be easily found on the web.
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Find Your Cardio Exercise By Anne E Moss
The simple fact is, the heart is responsive to this. It gains strength and allows - even more importantly - blood to flow at a good rate. Increased blood flow means more oxygen to the body's hungry organs and muscles. This in turn makes one stronger and insures a longer and healthier life. There is another benefit which probably looms over them all. Cardiovascular exercise burns fat at a rate nothing else can. In terms of the tools available for losing excess poundage, this is the king. And not only does it reduce fat, it simply enlivens our bodies anyway.
So what methods do we choose for such a life-enhancing thing? How many ways are there and from what list do I choose my own best regimen? Obviously, people are different. For many, competing in sports is a great method. It also engages in the competitive instincts many people have. Basketball, tennis, soccer - the list is long. These sports combine the joy of competing with the benefit of conditioning. Sports with substantially less aerobic expenditure are games like ping pong, bowling, even slow-pitch softball. Nevertheless, they do border on the edge of cardio vascular effort and they all do have their moments. Indeed, if nothing else, these sports certainly tone muscles and reflexes in their own ways.
Running and bicycling seem to be two of the most common regimes for cardio vascular workouts. Naturally, running also contains the virtue of being absolutely free of charge. It can also take place pretty much anywhere and at any time. Biking is another enterprise with many upsides, including leg work and toning those muscles. I should also mention that hiking is a superb source of cardio vascular work. Hiking also brings the additional benefit of choosing the environment. There are many wonderful places to hike with friends or even alone. Like running, you just can't beat the price!
These days workout facilities abound which are far more cardio-centered concerning workouts. Step programs, jazzercize, dancercize are splendid ways to advance cardio strength. Most facilities even provide coaches who can fit a regimen with your body type and history. Good cardio coaches will understand the state of development from the user end and prescribe appropriate programs. It's what they specialize in.
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How to Wash Your Hair With Conditioner By Megan Winegar
Shampoo - even gentle shampoo - contains chemicals that dry out your hair. Shampoo cleans the unwanted dirt and oil out of your hair, but it also strips your hair of the oils that it needs. That means that your hair gets dried out and your scalp works overtime trying to produce more oils to make up for the ones that are missing.
The idea behind conditioner-only washing is that you eliminate those chemicals that strip your hair and just add moisture. Complete elimination of shampoo doesn't work for everyone, but it does work for some people. Here are some steps and options for cutting down on the 'poo.
* First, don't go off shampoo cold turkey. Your hair will be greasy and gross (which may happen a little bit, but not as much if you ease into it). Start by not using shampoo a couple of times a week and just washing with conditioner. You might also try not washing your hair every day when you do this.
* When you wash with conditioner only, you can either wash your hair with just water and then follow it up with conditioner as usual, or you can scrub your hair with conditioner and follow it up with moisturizing conditioner.
* When you wash your hair with conditioner, start with a wet head. Use plenty of conditioner. You'll want to scrub your scalp with your fingers - probably harder than you would with shampoo, since there's no lather to help you along.
* Make sure that you rinse very thoroughly. Conditioner can build up in your hair and attract more dirt if you don't make sure to get your hair really clean.
* If you need to shampoo once a week or so to really get a deep clean, it shouldn't mess up your goals. This is common with this kind of cleaning.
This probably isn't for everyone, but for people with dry and damaged hair (especially anyone who regularly uses heat styling) it can really help to restore your hair to something softer and healthier.
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How to Wash Your Hair With Conditioner By Megan Winegar
Shampoo - even gentle shampoo - contains chemicals that dry out your hair. Shampoo cleans the unwanted dirt and oil out of your hair, but it also strips your hair of the oils that it needs. That means that your hair gets dried out and your scalp works overtime trying to produce more oils to make up for the ones that are missing.
The idea behind conditioner-only washing is that you eliminate those chemicals that strip your hair and just add moisture. Complete elimination of shampoo doesn't work for everyone, but it does work for some people. Here are some steps and options for cutting down on the 'poo.
* First, don't go off shampoo cold turkey. Your hair will be greasy and gross (which may happen a little bit, but not as much if you ease into it). Start by not using shampoo a couple of times a week and just washing with conditioner. You might also try not washing your hair every day when you do this.
* When you wash with conditioner only, you can either wash your hair with just water and then follow it up with conditioner as usual, or you can scrub your hair with conditioner and follow it up with moisturizing conditioner.
* When you wash your hair with conditioner, start with a wet head. Use plenty of conditioner. You'll want to scrub your scalp with your fingers - probably harder than you would with shampoo, since there's no lather to help you along.
* Make sure that you rinse very thoroughly. Conditioner can build up in your hair and attract more dirt if you don't make sure to get your hair really clean.
* If you need to shampoo once a week or so to really get a deep clean, it shouldn't mess up your goals. This is common with this kind of cleaning.
This probably isn't for everyone, but for people with dry and damaged hair (especially anyone who regularly uses heat styling) it can really help to restore your hair to something softer and healthier.
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How to Wash Your Hair With Conditioner By Megan Winegar
Shampoo - even gentle shampoo - contains chemicals that dry out your hair. Shampoo cleans the unwanted dirt and oil out of your hair, but it also strips your hair of the oils that it needs. That means that your hair gets dried out and your scalp works overtime trying to produce more oils to make up for the ones that are missing.
The idea behind conditioner-only washing is that you eliminate those chemicals that strip your hair and just add moisture. Complete elimination of shampoo doesn't work for everyone, but it does work for some people. Here are some steps and options for cutting down on the 'poo.
* First, don't go off shampoo cold turkey. Your hair will be greasy and gross (which may happen a little bit, but not as much if you ease into it). Start by not using shampoo a couple of times a week and just washing with conditioner. You might also try not washing your hair every day when you do this.
* When you wash with conditioner only, you can either wash your hair with just water and then follow it up with conditioner as usual, or you can scrub your hair with conditioner and follow it up with moisturizing conditioner.
* When you wash your hair with conditioner, start with a wet head. Use plenty of conditioner. You'll want to scrub your scalp with your fingers - probably harder than you would with shampoo, since there's no lather to help you along.
* Make sure that you rinse very thoroughly. Conditioner can build up in your hair and attract more dirt if you don't make sure to get your hair really clean.
* If you need to shampoo once a week or so to really get a deep clean, it shouldn't mess up your goals. This is common with this kind of cleaning.
This probably isn't for everyone, but for people with dry and damaged hair (especially anyone who regularly uses heat styling) it can really help to restore your hair to something softer and healthier.
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Panic Attacks and Marijuana By John Bland
Its distinct cause is fear, plain and simple. This being said, however, it would be negligent to conclude that the symptoms are entirely psychosomatic because any number of panic attacks can be attributed to, enhanced by, or directly caused by the mental reaction to any number of drugs - marijuana included. One licensed practitioner (whose opinion has been affirmed by countless others) stated,
"Substance abuse and the withdrawal of the substance being abused can mimic panic attacks. Alcohol, marijuana, opiates, hallucinogens, cocaine, over-the-counter drugs (nasal sprays and diet tablets), caffeine and benzodiazepines can all be associated with panic attacks."
The assumption that marijuana is the harmless drug that "the authorities love to hate" is simply an erroneous assumption. I'm not arguing here for continued criminalizing of pot or decriminalization for that matter, just stating the known facts.
Though marijuana has some therapeutic qualities, such as increased appetite for cancer sufferers, a dulling of pain caused by many maladies and its effectiveness in combating glaucoma, it argues nothing for the recreational use of the drug.
Every pot smoker is acquainted with the "superficial" negative effects of the habit. Things like laziness, listlessness, and lets not forget paranoia exhibited by many users.
The more serious effects that researches have discovered are things such as the negative effect on short term memory. Studies have shown that long-term adult users score less on short-term memory tests, as well as demonstrate reduced verbal and math skills compared with non-users.
What makes these negatives even more disturbing is the comparative strength of marijuana from previous eras and the THC (the component that is mind altering) levels normally seen in today's variety.
According to the American Counsel For Drug Education, THC content of marijuana, which averaged less than 1 percent in 1974, rose to an average 4 percent by 1994. For the highly popular form of marijuana called Sinsemilla (from the Spanish "without seeds"), made from just the buds and flowering tops of female plants, THC content averages 7.5 percent and ranges as high as 24 percent.
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Saturday, July 18, 2009
Child Obesity is Child Abuse By Idaline Hall
By Harold McDaniels
Water or aqua aerobics is conducted both in chest-deep waters and also in deep waters. When these exercises are performed in deep water, it is important to use flotation devices. A normal workout lasts for forty to fifty minutes. This period is divided into three routines :
1. stretching routines
2. warm-up routines
3. cool-down routines
Some programs also include strengthening and toning components, as well as the aerobic portion. The main function of this type of activity is to enhance cardiovascular training. Because of the resistance, it can also enhance one's flexibility and endurance, which will eventually lead to muscular balance.
First, let's look at the disadvantages :
1. This requires access to a swimming pool via facilities, and there might be membership fees. Some classes may cost extra.
2. Although this greatly reduces the risk of injury, not as many calories are burned compared to other activities.
3. Though this expend more energy than many land-based activities performed at the same pace due to the increased resistance of water, there is a great reduction of movements that can be performed.
Below are the benefits of aqua aerobic:
• water resistance
• easy on the muscles and the joints
• permits a greater assortment of motion
• puts off sweltering during the exercise
• augments cardio stamina
• increases flexibility
• increases muscle tone
• massages one's muscles without worrying about sweating
This type of workout is most beneficial to those who are in their late ages who are dealing with joint and muscle conditions such as back pain and arthritis. The movements incorporated in this workout are slower than the normal land aerobic routines. It is also remarkably advantageous to people who are recovering from multiple sclerosis, soft-tissue injuries, pregnancy and obesity. There is no need to find a class or a group to enjoy this activity.
Here are some exercises that you can try while in water:
• perform leg planks by grabbing a flotation device
• run forwards then backwards and then perform some side steps
• kick forward, then backward and then perform side steps
• bending your elbows, move your arms toward you and then behind you in a circular motion
• do somersaults
• dance
Here are some warnings :
1. At first, do the jumps slowly and pay close attention to doing the proper form.
2. Once proper form is achieved, increase the speed of the jumps gradually.
3. Do 3 sets of 20 to 25 jumps while jogging between each set.
4. Alternate the bigger, slower jumps and smaller, quicker jumps.
5. Do more jumps in each set for added intensity.
6. Always land with the whole foot touching the floor. Child Obesity is Child Abuse
7. When you jump up, exhale and contract your abdominal muscles, then inhale as the legs return to the floor.
A Safe and Effective Treatment For Allergies - Easy-to-Use Allergy Drops. By Zina Kroner
Many allergy sufferers who do not want to rely on weekly antigen injections, and who are not satisfied with medicating themselves to cover up the symptoms of allergies, have chosen to undergo sub-lingual immunotherapy (SLIT). SLIT is very popular and used widely in Europe. It is emerging as an effective treatment strategy in the United States as well, with new research being generated regularly to support it. More than 300 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals prove that sublingual treatment is both safe and effective. The publication of the ARIA (Allergy Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma) guidelines, by an international workgroup, indicated that SLIT is a viable treatment approach. A Cochrane Review, the most trusted independent, evidence-based, meta-analysis organization in the world, released their analysis in 2003 and determined SLIT both safe and effective.
SLIT, or allergy drops, can be formulated based on either skin or blood testing. Once formulated, the drops are placed under the tongue where absorption is ideal. The drops then deliver a slowly increasing dose of physician prescribed antigen. An antigen is what the person is allergic to, such as dust, ragweed, etc. The dose is calculated based on the degree of allergenicity on either the skin or blood testing. The allergy drops are used in gradually increasing dosages affecting the immune system such that there is a development of tolerance to the antigen, the allergy-causing substance. Over time, tolerance to the antigen means that allergy sufferers are no longer exhibiting signs and symptoms of an allergic response. They are able to lead an allergy-free life over time. This is one of the most gratifying things that I see in my medical practice.
Allergy drops are painless and easy to use. There is no need to go to the allergist's office to obtain painful weekly or monthly injections. Allergy drops are also more cost-efficient than allergy shots. The treatment usually requires approximately 2 office visits a year to optimize the dose and recheck response. Over time, allergy drop users will notice that they are able to breathe easier and therefore will be able to wean off the allergy medications that were giving them side-effects of their own.
There are two possible treatment regimens. The first is a "pre-seasonal treatment," in which the drops are more concentrated. This is a quick build up of antigen several weeks prior to an allergy season. There drops are continued at a lesser concentration for the duration of the allergy season. Treatment is then stopped thereafter. The second, and more common, approach is more "regular dosing" for patients with chronic allergies to things like molds, foods, dust, etc. The treatment can last from one to two years.
Advanced Medicine of New York is pleased to announce that it is now accepting new allergy patients. The approach will be comprehensive; including recommendations in diet as it reflects the patient's particular allergy, a focus on natural supplements that support the immune system and fight off an allergic response, medications and/or intravenous treatments as needed, and with Sub-lingual Immunotherapy or allergy drops.
Smoking and Asthma - What is the Connection That You Should Know? By Paul Kramer
Many allergy sufferers who do not want to rely on weekly antigen injections, and who are not satisfied with medicating themselves to cover up the symptoms of allergies, have chosen to undergo sub-lingual immunotherapy (SLIT). SLIT is very popular and used widely in Europe. It is emerging as an effective treatment strategy in the United States as well, with new research being generated regularly to support it. More than 300 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals prove that sublingual treatment is both safe and effective. The publication of the ARIA (Allergy Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma) guidelines, by an international workgroup, indicated that SLIT is a viable treatment approach. A Cochrane Review, the most trusted independent, evidence-based, meta-analysis organization in the world, released their analysis in 2003 and determined SLIT both safe and effective.
SLIT, or allergy drops, can be formulated based on either skin or blood testing. Once formulated, the drops are placed under the tongue where absorption is ideal. The drops then deliver a slowly increasing dose of physician prescribed antigen. An antigen is what the person is allergic to, such as dust, ragweed, etc. The dose is calculated based on the degree of allergenicity on either the skin or blood testing. The allergy drops are used in gradually increasing dosages affecting the immune system such that there is a development of tolerance to the antigen, the allergy-causing substance. Over time, tolerance to the antigen means that allergy sufferers are no longer exhibiting signs and symptoms of an allergic response. They are able to lead an allergy-free life over time. This is one of the most gratifying things that I see in my medical practice.
Allergy drops are painless and easy to use. There is no need to go to the allergist's office to obtain painful weekly or monthly injections. Allergy drops are also more cost-efficient than allergy shots. The treatment usually requires approximately 2 office visits a year to optimize the dose and recheck response. Over time, allergy drop users will notice that they are able to breathe easier and therefore will be able to wean off the allergy medications that were giving them side-effects of their own.
There are two possible treatment regimens. The first is a "pre-seasonal treatment," in which the drops are more concentrated. This is a quick build up of antigen several weeks prior to an allergy season. There drops are continued at a lesser concentration for the duration of the allergy season. Treatment is then stopped thereafter. The second, and more common, approach is more "regular dosing" for patients with chronic allergies to things like molds, foods, dust, etc. The treatment can last from one to two years.
Advanced Medicine of New York is pleased to announce that it is now accepting new allergy patients. The approach will be comprehensive; including recommendations in diet as it reflects the patient's particular allergy, a focus on natural supplements that support the immune system and fight off an allergic response, medications and/or intravenous treatments as needed, and with Sub-lingual Immunotherapy or allergy drops.
Water Aerobics - A Must Try Exercise That is Perfect For the Old and the Overweight . By Harold McDaniels
1. stretching routines
2. warm-up routines
3. cool-down routines
Some programs also include strengthening and toning components, as well as the aerobic portion. The main function of this type of activity is to enhance cardiovascular training. Because of the resistance, it can also enhance one's flexibility and endurance, which will eventually lead to muscular balance.
First, let's look at the disadvantages :
1. This requires access to a swimming pool via facilities, and there might be membership fees. Some classes may cost extra.
2. Although this greatly reduces the risk of injury, not as many calories are burned compared to other activities.
3. Though this expend more energy than many land-based activities performed at the same pace due to the increased resistance of water, there is a great reduction of movements that can be performed.
Below are the benefits of aqua aerobic:
• water resistance
• easy on the muscles and the joints
• permits a greater assortment of motion
• puts off sweltering during the exercise
• augments cardio stamina
• increases flexibility
• increases muscle tone
• massages one's muscles without worrying about sweating
This type of workout is most beneficial to those who are in their late ages who are dealing with joint and muscle conditions such as back pain and arthritis. The movements incorporated in this workout are slower than the normal land aerobic routines. It is also remarkably advantageous to people who are recovering from multiple sclerosis, soft-tissue injuries, pregnancy and obesity. There is no need to find a class or a group to enjoy this activity.
Here are some exercises that you can try while in water:
• perform leg planks by grabbing a flotation device
• run forwards then backwards and then perform some side steps
• kick forward, then backward and then perform side steps
• bending your elbows, move your arms toward you and then behind you in a circular motion
• do somersaults
• dance
Here are some warnings :
1. At first, do the jumps slowly and pay close attention to doing the proper form.
2. Once proper form is achieved, increase the speed of the jumps gradually.
3. Do 3 sets of 20 to 25 jumps while jogging between each set.
4. Alternate the bigger, slower jumps and smaller, quicker jumps.
5. Do more jumps in each set for added intensity.
6. Always land with the whole foot touching the floor.
7. When you jump up, exhale and contract your abdominal muscles, then inhale as the legs return to the floor.
A Safe and Effective Treatment For Allergies - Easy-to-Use Allergy Drops
By Zina Kroner
Allergy sufferers rely on antihistamines, steroids, and other heavy duty prescription medications to cover up the symptoms. Allergies can take a toll on one's immune system, energy levels, general well-being, and even mood. Allergies may predispose one to chronic sinusitis, daily headaches, inability to concentrate, insomnia, eye pressure, etc. Allergy sufferers are often told to avoid the allergen or undergo weekly intramuscular injections to "desensitize" them. Neither of those options is feasible for most people. Avoidance is often impossible and very few allergy sufferers want to visit the allergist for an injection once a week for several years.
Many allergy sufferers who do not want to rely on weekly antigen injections, and who are not satisfied with medicating themselves to cover up the symptoms of allergies, have chosen to undergo sub-lingual immunotherapy (SLIT). SLIT is very popular and used widely in Europe. It is emerging as an effective treatment strategy in the United States as well, with new research being generated regularly to support it. More than 300 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals prove that sublingual treatment is both safe and effective. The publication of the ARIA (Allergy Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma) guidelines, by an international workgroup, indicated that SLIT is a viable treatment approach. A Cochrane Review, the most trusted independent, evidence-based, meta-analysis organization in the world, released their analysis in 2003 and determined SLIT both safe and effective.
SLIT, or allergy drops, can be formulated based on either skin or blood testing. Once formulated, the drops are placed under the tongue where absorption is ideal. The drops then deliver a slowly increasing dose of physician prescribed antigen. An antigen is what the person is allergic to, such as dust, ragweed, etc. The dose is calculated based on the degree of allergenicity on either the skin or blood testing. The allergy drops are used in gradually increasing dosages affecting the immune system such that there is a development of tolerance to the antigen, the allergy-causing substance. Over time, tolerance to the antigen means that allergy sufferers are no longer exhibiting signs and symptoms of an allergic response. They are able to lead an allergy-free life over time. This is one of the most gratifying things that I see in my medical practice.
Allergy drops are painless and easy to use. There is no need to go to the allergist's office to obtain painful weekly or monthly injections. Allergy drops are also more cost-efficient than allergy shots. The treatment usually requires approximately 2 office visits a year to optimize the dose and recheck response. Over time, allergy drop users will notice that they are able to breathe easier and therefore will be able to wean off the allergy medications that were giving them side-effects of their own.
There are two possible treatment regimens. The first is a "pre-seasonal treatment," in which the drops are more concentrated. This is a quick build up of antigen several weeks prior to an allergy season. There drops are continued at a lesser concentration for the duration of the allergy season. Treatment is then stopped thereafter. The second, and more common, approach is more "regular dosing" for patients with chronic allergies to things like molds, foods, dust, etc. The treatment can last from one to two years.
Advanced Medicine of New York is pleased to announce that it is now accepting new allergy patients. The approach will be comprehensive; including recommendations in diet as it reflects the patient's particular allergy, a focus on natural supplements that support the immune system and fight off an allergic response, medications and/or intravenous treatments as needed, and with Sub-lingual Immunotherapy or allergy drops.
Smoking and Asthma - What is the Connection That You Should Know?
By Paul Kramer
Inhaling cigarette smoke, both actively and passively, can make you susceptible to asthma attacks, and ingesting a variety of substances ranging from food colorings and preservatives to drugs can prompt an allergic reaction, taking the form of a rash or wheeziness to anaphylactic shock in the most severe cases. Almost everyone today knows that smoking is bad for you.
And yet between 15 and 20 percent of people with asthma still indulge in the habit, even though it makes them wheezier. Pregnant women who smoke increase the risk of the baby being asthmatic and having other respiratory illness. Tobacco smoke contains 4,000 chemicals, present either as gases or tiny particles.
Nicotine stimulates the central nervous system, increases heart rate, raises blood pressure and is highly addictive. Tar, the brown treacly substance that gathers at the filter tip of a cigarette, sticks to the lungs and is gradually absorbed. It contains a cocktail of noxious substances, including formaldehyde, arsenic, cyanide, benzene, toluene and carbon monoxide, al of which interfere with read blood cells, making them carry less oxygen around the body.
You do not have to smoke yourself to inhale the fumes. Every time you walk into a bar you will get a blast of tobacco and if your asthma is severe you should avoid such places. Other people's smoking habits can make your life a misery and if you live or work with a smoker there is little or no escape from smoke related risks.
There are many studies linking asthma and cigarette smoke. In one survey 8 out of 10 people said a smoky atmosphere made their asthma worse. Research shows that 28 percent of pregnant women who work are exposed to smoke at work. Passive smoking doubles the chance of a child developing asthma.
Children of smokers are more likely to have wheezy episodes and time off school than those with non smoking parents. It is generally worse when the mother smokes because many children spend more time with their mother than their father.
Chronic coughs and phlegm are more common among children of parents who smoke. Children of parents who smoke inhale nicotine in amounts roughly equivalent to smoking 60 to 150 cigarettes each year.
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Exercises to Grow Taller - Discover the Best Exercises to Increase Height By Shrimoti Pawar
Most of the people around the world want to be tall and handsome. Though everybody has a desire to be tall but they don't follow the proper ways to grow taller. People try several medicated products such as growing pills, injections and surgery to gain height. But these all are very expensive, risky and painful prospects and give no guarantee on performance. Instead of these, exercises are the easiest way of increasing your height.
In spite of stretching exercises you might also do the following exercises to increase height.
- Yoga
- Swimming
- Hanging
- Cycling
Yoga - Yoga is the first recommended exercise to increase height. It is the best form of exercising without any side effects. Yoga improves breathing and relaxes stiff muscles of your body. These yoga postures also increases the stretching capacity of your bones and muscles and helps add a permanent inches to your height. Few yoga exercises such as Tadasana (shoulder stand) and Pranayama are recommended for increasing height.
Swimming - Another exercise to increase your height is swimming. It improves your posture, growth, fitness and helps you become taller. Swimming will benefit you even if you are past puberty. Swim for about an hour at least two days in a week. It is the beneficial exercise due to the fact that in single way your both legs are booting and in next way your arms are widening.
Hanging - It is the easiest exercise to increase your height. Hang from a bar for at least 4 to 5 minutes a day. Hanging can increase a person's height by one to two inches.
Cycling - You should give at least 15 minutes a day to cycling in order to increase your height. Cycling can be done either inside or outside.
10 Ways to End Drug Addiction By Vasily Souzdenkov
This article is written for those who want to quit drugs, but haven't been able to for whatever reason. The methods written here could apply to most addictions, not just drugs. I will not be discussing the reasons why you should quit drugs. You can read about that in the drugs article.
1. Ditch the druggies; befriend the sobeys
One obvious way to quit drugs, yet often overlooked, is to stop hanging out with the regular drug users. Instead start to associate exclusively with your sober friends, at least for the first month. This is one of the most common reasons people relapse and decided to dabble in drugs once more. Do not overlook this option believing you are immune to such influence, because no one is. If all of your friends are regular drug users, then perhaps consider finding at least one sober buddy, or reconnecting with sobers from your past. Especially to be avoided are those friends that talk very openly and persistently about their drug experiences in an positive manner.
2. Do not idle
It is very important to keep busy when you are trying to stay away from drugs. When you are bored, you start remembering your former solutions to such, which was taking drugs for the most part. Though its this temporary solution which got you into the mess your are in now. A great way to overcome this is to find your perfect, productive hobby. If you open your mind enough, you will find that there are lots of things that you can enjoy doing, no matter who you are.
3. What are your reasons to quit?
If you don't have a good enough reason to quit, you will lack the motivation necessary. Spend some time reading about the consequences and the side effects of the drug you are trying to quit. Also consider your personal reasons that drove you to decide that it's time to sober up. Reflect upon your life and the freedom you had before your addiction. The better reason you can come up with for quitting drugs, the easier it will be to quit and not relapse. A good reason is also a great asset to quitting cold turkey.
4. Take a bite from the cold turkey
If you have a good history of strong will power, you can quit cold turkey most of the time. Depending on the drug, this is usually the best method of quitting. But be careful when attempting to quit through sheer will power. If the challenge of quitting is too much for your will to handle and you fail, your willpower will suffer a permanent blow that is hard to recover from. To avoid this, undertake challenges in small steps to build up your will power. Will is necessary in any method of quitting that you decide to use.
5. Hide the goods
Another method of quitting which also ties into willpower is restricting your access to the drug by any means necessary, or available. If you have absolutely no way to acquire the drug, you will eventually give up and let it go This could be an artificial restriction if your willpower allows for it, or might need to be an actual restriction.
6. Do not think about drugs
Yet another method that ties in with willpower is resisting any thoughts that might pop up about the drug. This is very important because most of the time when people decide to come back to drugs, it is after they let their thoughts wander for too long to the point where they consider doing it again. This is the point where your ego will start the tug-of-war with your desires and you lose your control over the situation. You must be vigilant with your thoughts. If you refer back to the masturbation article, I explained how our thoughts start off as seeds planted within our subconscious and we water the seeds whenever we think about those thoughts. So if we stop thinking about drugs completely, the plant within our subconscious will eventually wither and die off and the addiction will end.
7. If you have the money, consider hypnotherapy
An extreme way to end an addiction is through hypnotherapy, which will completely uproot it from your subconscious. This method is more so of a last resort, for hypnotherapy is usually expensive and comes with a great risk. The risk is that because you go into an altered state of consciousness where your subconscious is fully exposed, the hypnotherapist has full control over the rewiring of it. That's why it's very important to absolutely trust your hypnotherapist for you are placing your entire mind within their hands. Nonetheless, hypnotherapy is extremely effective in getting rid of anything unwanted from within your mind, or to place a desired attribute within it. Most people who have been to a hypnotherapist have came out with incredible results such as lifelong addiction completely vanishing. But remember the risk if you do choose this method.
8. Adopt a spiritual perspective
There is a great method that works wonders for ridding yourself of all addictions, and it includes broadening your perspective on life. It is far from a conventional method, but I felt its undeniable benefits would warrant its inclusion within this article. This method includes you learning the truth about our origins and the truth of our reality in a way that it shakes the very core of your soul and sinks deep within your consciousness. The truth that I am writing about here is an objective truth that once you fully awaken to, you will never deny or forget it for as long as you shall live. It is somewhat similar to what is portrayed in The Matrix movie. Once you take the red pill, there is no more going back to your regular life; you are forever awakened to the truth of our reality. Yet the truth is rather different than what they show in the Matrix, and far more positive and wonderful than you can possibly imagine. I won't be sharing any of it here, but you can find the answers that I mentioned within our articles and videos, and especially within the links section. Awakening to this truth will force you to see the futility and the triviality of our addictions and hobbies, while pushing us to strive for earning our freedom and a place within our true home. One final and important point that I must make is that this must be an internal awakening. External sources (psychedelic drugs included) can only guide you to the door, but it is you alone who must step foot inside and begin the most amazing journey of a lifetime.
9. Support and motivation from peers
Another possible method that can be very effective depending on what type of person you are, is through the support and motivation of others. If you are planning on quitting an addiction, tell as many of the people closest to you as you can. Usually they will be very supportive and express their approval of your commitment to better yourself and further your personal growth. This can serve as a great motivator as you are not only proving to yourself that you have the willpower and the courage to accomplish your goal, but also to those whom you have to face quite often. For some people, the shame of failing to reach their goals after sharing them with others who supported and believed in them, could be all the motivation they need to succeed. In any case, your friends and family will be there to support you and remind of you of the importance of your goals if you are lacking in the will and the courage to proceed.
10. Detoxify your system
One final piece of advice I can offer, is to detoxify your entire body. This is best done by fasting. Detoxification will raise your vibrations and purify your entire system of all toxic build up, depending on how long you do it for. You can read about fasting on various sites on the internet. The best and the quickest detoxification is through a water fast. This is where you eat and drink nothing at all except for pure water, several times a day. I personally tried this fast a little while back, but for only 4 days. I was going to go for a bit longer, but was under excessive pressure from my parents to end it, who thought that I was going to die. A decent length for a water fast is 10 days, but be careful if you decide to do this and read up as much about it as you can, for not all bodies are able to handle it. Fasting is especially good for ridding yourself of unhealthy food addictions. After a long enough fast, your body will become much more sensitive to what you eat. This means that if you try a McDonald's hamburger, your body will instantly reject it and you will probably vomit; your system will be as clean as a baby's.
In closing
For those that decide to end a drug addiction, it will become one of the greatest decisions that you have made in your lifetime. The freedom that comes with sobriety, especially after forgetting about it for so long, will definitely be worth the temporary pain you might have to go through. Consider using some of these methods for they definitely helped me reclaim my long lost sobriety.