Sunday, June 28, 2009

Top Ten Reasons to Quit Smoking Today By Rowena Fernandez

As we all know, smoking is indeed hazardous to our health and despite the many attempts by the media, government and various companies to encourage smokers to quit, there has been no change at all. There have been advertisements, commercials, disgusting pictures on cigarette boxes, awareness campaigns, price hikes and whatever else but none of them have worked effectively. Well, here are ten simple reasons why you should put out that cigarette!

First, after kicking the habit for about a year or so and putting the money spent on cigarettes into a jar, you would have save enough to go on a Caribbean cruise. After another year, you would have saved enough to spend on the person you met while on your cruise.

Second, your breath would smell better than your pets, and your car, home, office, clothes and hair would generally smell better too.

Third, generally speaking, you would have a longer life span so you would blow out more candles over the years and you'd be around to spoil your grandchildren and sneak them pieces of cake when no one is looking.

Fourth, you won't have to worry about cigarette smoke affecting your relationships. If you want to date a non smoker, you wouldn't be conscious if the smell bothers her and you would be way more kissable as a non smoker.

Fifth, you wouldn't have to worry about impotence in a long run as you would have the same expectancy as a non smoker if you lay off the tar and nicotine sticks for a long time.

Sixth, there would be no concern about impotence, erectile dysfunction, heart diseases, cancer, and lung infections and so on.

Seventh, your skin would improve tremendously and you'd be saving on beauty products as you wouldn't have to invest in zit creams and wrinkle potions so much.

Eight, there would be less sneaking around, if you want to hide the habits from parents, children, grandchild and such and you would be a much better role model to the younger ones too.

Ninth, you could use your story of quitting cigarettes as an important one and scare your kids into believing that smoking really does kill hence the reason you stopped and were one of the lucky saved ones. This way, they won't be too eager to try.

And last of all, you would boost the quality of your life in general socially, emotionally and physically as well. So kick the habit today and pick up a healthier hobby instead.

For more information

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