Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Easy Way to Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally by Reijo Metso

High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is a problem that affects a lot of people. Since hypertension seldom causes any symptoms in the beginning, many are unaware of that they even have a problem. But if nothing is done, the risk of serious health problems later in life increases dramatically.

A lot of people try to ignore their hypertension problem, after all it seldom causes any symptoms in the beginning. Unfortunately, that's generally the worst solution. Very often the blood pressure just keeps on increasing, slowly but steadily, until it can not be ignored any longer. Or worse, the prolonged hypertension causes serious heart problems or stroke.

Far too often the automatic solution for hypertension is prescribed drugs. Unfortunately, many of the drugs have negative side effects. Worse, if you only rely on the drug and do not change your life style, very often your blood pressure starts to increase again after a while. The doctors increase your medication but after some time your blood pressure starts to increase again and you just get more drugs. Also, the more medication you use, the greater the risk for negative side effects.

Trying to get down towards normal values without drugs has many advantages. It's cheap for starters and the side effects are generally positive, like less stressed and getting fitter. Natural remedies can not cure everyone but it is a good starting point for most people.

The bad news is that it takes time to get results, you can't get cured overnight. But given the benefits of a normal blood pressure and a healthier life style it is well worth trying. The earlier you start the less drastic actions are needed to cure your hypertension. Note that people with severe hypertension should always consult their doctor before beginning any exercise program.

The easiest ways to naturally lower your blood pressure are by relaxing and breathing, two simple skills everyone can master. Simple exercises done every day can help most people to lower their blood pressure. But the exercises have to be done every day to get results, not just once or twice a week. Just by doing slow breathing exercises, some people have managed to get very good results. Combine it with more physical activity and healthier food habits and you could be on your way to a healthier and longer life.You can email me

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